Classic Camera Collector

By classicphoto

Glory Glory Hallelujah!!!

Happy 4th of July!
I switched my blip today. I originally took a picture of a cake that I had made. But I really disliked how the photo came out. I really liked this scene at my grandparents' house. My grandma had just set up the table and I snapped a few shots of this and I liked this one the most. I ran it through picnik's 1960's editing feature. I feel this shot looks nice for the Fourth of July.

** Write up for my previous blip today:

Jealous? I made this cake from scratch from the lovely Better Homes & Gardens recipe book!! I baked it a few days ago and didn't frost it until today so I decorated it and we'll have it for 4th of July!! I also have a strawberry rhubarb pie in the oven!
Happy 4th or July!!!!

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