
By earthdreamer

Light at the end of the Tunnel

I'm back at the office having taken this picture at lunchtime. I'm posting it now so I don't get tempted to take something else and then waste time procrastinating for ages over which to choose! I'm spending way too long over such decisions. Do other blippers have this problem? Or should I count myself lucky to be in a position to have to make a choice at all?

I like this blip because it sums up where I am with work at the moment. A major software update is planned for this evening. I've been trying to get this done for almost a month, but problems keep cropping up to prevent it happening. It feels like I've been in a tunnel and have been moving through it very slowly. Hopefully I will indeed emerge into the light tonight. It's always a nerve-wracking business releasing a new version of the software. There are lots of things that can potentially go wrong - although we don't mention that to the client! It will be an enormous relief when it's all over. Fingers crossed. Wish me luck!

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