Nell's World

By nell2803


Happy 4th of July to our American buddies.

This morning I decided I was going to try and find the young deer again. I did find it but yet again it was too far away for me to get any shots that I was really pleased with. I will try again before it moves to another location.

I wasn't greatly disappointed as the cows were lazing in the sun again amongst the buttercups. The first group I came across just lay where they were and watched me. The second group I encountered were much more inquisitive and eventually came across to the fence to see what I was up to.

In the end my dilemma was whether to blip the lazy cow lying in the buttercups or the beautiful eye of the young calf.

I couldn't resist this so will probably put the other in my blipfolio which will soon be bursting at the seams.

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