
By TeeJay

Just leave me alone!

This is not technically one of my better photos of the day, but it is one of the more interestting.

I had to drive a student up the Tutaki Valley this morning for her work placement. I took my camera with me in the hopes of spotting a hawk that has been teasing me each time I've been up that way. What I saw was three hawks circling a paddock - but of course too far away for me to capture.

Coming out of the driveway of the horse farm that our student is working on, these two horses were standing in the mist looking etheral. When I stopped they came to see what was going on, but the one in the purple coat (on the bottom here) kept tugging at the other one and wanting to play (or something). Blue coat was getting annoyed and in the end climbed onto the back of the other horse as much as to say, "If you don't leave me alone I'm going to squash you!"

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