Family Dog

By Family_Dog

wee beastie

I nearly did a 'Granny Burgess' on this wee bugger (this means fall in a very bad way after tripping/slipping on something small that you can't see cos you're not really looking properly. And possibly cos we've got large tum-tums. In her case it was her dog Tiny, in my case it was Disco Pider - Boris' favourite toy).

Fortunately, being the World's Best Faller from years of drunken practice I managed to gather myself in the nick of time. Still. It has made me realise that I am going to have to be a bit more careful. I never was the sort of person who was at one with their centre of gravity and it's not going to change now.

So, from here on in I shall be doing more sensible things such as sitting on the bed to put my nick-nacks on and not trying to open the livingroom door by flipping the door handle with my foot because I am too lazy to put the plates down.

I like how the pregnancy books don't advise things like THAT!

Onto other things:

If you were coming towards me with a cooked black pudding, I would look at you in a similar way to a rabid dog and I would run over to you and once your attention was suitably distracted from your black pudding (see, you'd be dazzled by my overall madness), I would grab it off you and I would eat it in one very big gulp. THAT is how much I am craving black pudding at the moment.

With that in mind, Bry is making me a stew thing with sausages, black pudding and roasted parsnips. I think it is lovely he's taking my cravings so seriously. Secretly though, if he just tripped in with a greasy grill pan covered in cooked black pudding slices, I'd be pretty bloody happy.

I am a bit giddy this evening. Today was my last day in the office till ooh, goodness knows when. I am working from home this week coming but it will be a lot more relaxed. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about today being the last day. I didn't have the Friday feeling, I didn't have that holiday feeling or anything like that. I just got on with my work and then left and waddled along Queen Street for the last time as a pregnant woman (hopefully), urging my pants to stay up and not yield to the lack of knicker elastic holding them up.

I spent a bit of time thinking about being a new mum and if I'm actually ready for it (conclusion: well, it's a bit late in the day to be worrying about shite like that), then I spent a bit of time thinking about whether I should buy a Crunchie after reading this (conclusion: if you pass a shop buy one, if not - don't) and the rest of the time wondering what that awful smell was that seemed to be following me and wondering if it was actually coming from me (conclusion: didn't think so as had spent the whole day in the office and hadn't smelled anything then).

As you can see, it was a pretty productive walk to the bus stop. By the time I got home, I was ready for my 300th gaviscon heart burn tablet and perhaps a glass of wine (resulting in me having my 301st, 302nd and 303rd gaviscon tablet pretty much straight after).

So that's that really. It's been a strange week. It's gone very, very fast but it's been very, very hard too.

Fortunately, in 25 minutes I will be eating black pudding and that will be a very good thing.

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