Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


After a very disturbed night last night I looked in the mirror to see a lump the side of a golf ball protruding from my jaw, it's no wonder I felt in pain all night long, a tooth that I think the Dentist is calling 'a work in progress' decided it had had enough and erupted into a raging abscess. I had already promised to take Miss Bossy Boots to Newcastle, I did think she might cancel her appointment, no such luck, by the time I drove the 100 miles there and sat about like a spare you know what I was feeling pretty lousy which is why today's blip is the inside of the new Royal Victoria Infirmary, I ended up there trying to get some pain relief, waste of time as hospitals don't do teeth it seems, I did in the end manage to get an emergency Dentist to lance the thing and bring me a bit of comfort.
Off to bed now to catch up on all that lost sleep, still an odd twinge from the offending molar but I can live with that for now.

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