LarryfmScotland's Day

By LWW747

More Puppy Update.

Well the good news, is we have gotten all the ticks off puppy No2. And the better news is we have found a new home for her, thanks to the great media of book of face. One of our friends frends is going to pick her up tonight. This means we have to catch the last of the three puppies, from next door, he's the one I blipped in the tunnel a couple of weeks ago. De tick him, and I think we have an owner lined up for him. The first puppy we caught, has gone to puppy dreamland, I heard that they had spent $150 on a leather dog basket. We just have to catch the large puppy, not an easy task, as he is so wild now.............

The blip is of me saying good bye to her at lunch time.

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