
Meet Sam who is staying with us this month during his CELTA course in Barcelona. CELTA is the 'Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults' of The University of Cambridge, and is the course that DD leads, this month in Cairo. I did it myself two years ago and can testify to how intensive it is, so here we have Sam in the lull before the storm that kicks in tomorrow.

I'm not sure if he's just taking the sun here or in search of divine inspiration! Whatever, he's a sensible, deep thinking and creative young man who will do very well I'm sure. Maybe he'll let me blip him again on his last day!

I picked this one as it is a little different in aspect to a traditional portait, a decision helped by the fact that the full face shots lacked a light catch in the eyes...blame the photographer! However, for the record, here's one that shows...Sam full face.

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