
By superrstine

Hampton Court

We started our morning with a quick trip (as a class) to Westminster in the hopes of getting into Westminster Abbey with enough time to make it to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guards. We didn't get to go into Westminster Abbey because the line was ridiculously long, so we made a quick stop in the gift shop, took some pictures outside and headed to Buckingham Palace. We didn't have an excellent view, but a decent one and it was cool to see some of the changing of the guards. Then, we headed to the train station to meet our tour guide, Simon, and head out to Hampton Court for a tour of the palace where both Henry VIII and William and Mary lived. I loved it there, and could have spent all day there, but we didn't have time to stay all day, so I enjoyed the tour we did get. We ended up rushing back into London to see Shakespeare's Dr. Faustus at the Globe. I enjoyed it way more than I originally thought I would which made up for the fact that I had to eat a gross dinner on our walk to the theater.

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