Red Squirrel


Sunrise (Dawn Chorus)

I know this pic wouldn't win any awards! It's far from perfect. I just wish I could add the soundtrack to it!
I woke just after 3 this morning needing the loo. Then couldn't get straight back to sleep. Suddenly I heard the blackbird who often sits on next-door-but-one's chimney, singing his heart out. Soon another 'voice' joined in, then another. The Dawn Chorus was starting. So I put my dressing gown on, opened the big window wide and sat for about 1/2 hour leaning on the window sill, just listening. It was magical. The sky started to lighten slowly, so I grabbed my camera and started snapping. Once the chorus had mostly died down I went back to bed for a few more hours sleep. This was my favourite of the pics I took, so I decided it just HAD to be my blip for today.

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