My Year in Pictures

By jenny

Spring Cleaning #3

Day 3 of a 6 Day Programme!

The room I was least looking forward to.

We share this room - James one side, me the other with James working from home perhaps a couple of days a week.

Over the last 3 and a half years since I left Kraft, we've managed to find a way of working together in the same room. Not been easy! And phonecalls still cause a few problems, but it's workable.

Though it is definitely a room of two halves.

I've had to reorganise my side various times over the last couple of years - as things change and grow you need to work in a different way - and so it's always been relatively sorted despite the old mismatching furniture that's been cobbled together.

However with the new iMac and the camera gear it was needing another overhaul to make it work for me - too many piles and things not having a proper home and drawers just crammed full of mess.

So that's was today's spring cleaning job.

A huge bag of rubbish, a huge bag of paper recycling, a pile of things to be relocated elsewhere, a lot of dusting and hoovering later and my side is all grand.

The other side remains as it always does.

I will share no more details with you.

I just need to shut my eyes when I walk into the room until I'm sat at my desk and I'm then fine.

And if he dares to put any of his stuff on "my side" of the futon (just out of sight to the left) I will not be impressed!

It's not easy taking shots of rooms though - and they're really not pictures I particularly like to be honest - however it's turned into a bit of mini challenge for myself. So there you have it!

Hall and lounge tomorrow.

Spring Cleaning Series

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