Jolly Boys Outing
Like the classic Only Fools and Horses episode, our Jolly Boys Outing usually has its own comedic value. We don't have many of these social events as we used to because of work and family commitments, so when we do meet up we usually have a jolly good time of it. Tonight we made our way to the Swalec Stadium in Cardiff to watch the Twenty 20 cricket, Glamorgan Dragons versus Surrey Lions.
I've been to rugby union, rugby league, speedway and motorcycle GPs, and each event has its own kind of atmosphere and banter, but usually it all revolves around the action that's taking place on the pitch or the track. Twenty 20 Cricket appears to be vastly different, for most of the match we didn't know what was going on, as all sorts were happening in the stands or we were just having a general chat between the lads. It was a great atmosphere with some classic banter; it was totally mad but very enjoyable.
Some highlights of the evening:
Ground staff dealing with some fully clothed streakers, lets just say speed was an issue;
One of the lads cuddling the Glamorgan mascot, at least I think that was what was going on;
Classic banter, unfortunately some of the lines are not really repeatable;
One of the Surrey players being compared to Gavin Henson
The Twenty 20 Cricket is now our Annual Jolly Boys Outing and we're already planning next year's event, Cardiff be warned!
In the photo I tried to show the impressive night sky as the game came to an end, I hope I succeeded.
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