Mid-term Break!

Our school closed today for a one week mid- term break! I will, however, not enjoy much of it, since I am going into the operating theatre of the Unitas Hospital in Centurion, for quite a complicated hand operation on Monday morning! ;-(

The students had lots of fun, the last 90 minutes of school! Teachers played netball against the Primary school kids and soccer against the High School kids! It was absolutely great to watch them enjoying themselves
In the first pic you can see R jnr, in the black Quik silver shirt, playing soccer, in the second one R snr watches the ball he's placed neatly right through the ring, in picture three, our dear headmaster dancing with a few girls, and the fourth picture shows Janay, our school administrator as well as my 'Blip-advisor' in the left of the pic, followed by Erica, the Gr 7 teacher and Anja, the art teacher, warming up for the games!

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