All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


Ethan had a good nights sleep last night. Our room at the B&B has a huge bathroom, so we ended up putting the travel cot through there as we figured there was less chance of us disturbing Ethan if he was in a different room. He slept really well, although woke far too early at 5.50am. He played happily in our room though until breakfast. He entertained the other guests in the breakfast room by staring at them all and babbling away!

Straight after breakfast we headed out and about. Ethan had a nap in the car on our way to our first destination - Pitlochry. We wandered round the town centre although the shops were all the same carbon copies of each other. Did manage to get Ethan a proper ghillie shirt for half the price they were in Edinburgh though so he'll look extra smart at the wedding tomorrow.

We walked along to the fish ladder - Ethan pushed his lawnmover all the way there! He also enjoyed looking down at the river from high up.

We then drove to Blair Athol to have lunch at a working water mill. Although the food was nice, it was really expensive and Ethan refused to eat any of it! He was clearly tired though and fell asleep shortly after we headed off in the car again.

I wanted to visit Killiecrankie, so we stopped there and I went for a walk, while hubbie stayed in the car with a sleeping Ethan. I scrambled down the bank at Soldiers Leap to take photos of the river, but I wasn't really wearing the right footwear to get to the places I really wanted to.

Hubbie decided to take the scenic route back to Aberfeldy and we then headed up to tomorrow wedding venue to check out where it is. We discovered the bride and groom to be were there with lots of their family, putting the final preperations together. So we stayed for a bit so hubbie could help and Ethan could charge around outside (along with his trusty lawnmover)!

Back to Aberfeldy for dinner but again Ethan refused to eat dinner. Luckily we were the only people in the restaurant as he had a minor meltdown and would only eat chips! Hmmmm - not exactly a balanced meal but at least he doesn't get them very often!

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