A round trip today. Just down the road to Fishnish and the ferry across to Lochaline at Morvern, then drove through Ardnamurchan, where we have spent several enjoyable holidays in the past. It looked not much different, and the Midges were out in force.

Came across this yacht on the rocks next to the holiday cottage we have stayed at. A victim of the 100 mph winds from a couple of weeks ago. It was strange to see the boat looking so intact but at a very strange angle. Someone had tied a large buoy against it to stop further damage from the rocks it was jammed against.

There followed a trip to Sanna, a glorious white sanded beach, in the mizzle; and then Ardnamurchan Lighthouse, in heavier rain. We caught the ferry from Kilchoan back to Tobermory on Mull and later dined at the Mediterranea Restaurant in the tiny village of Salen. It may be a tiny village but it has an outstanding restaurant.

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