We were watching for Short-eared Owls and Hen Harriers when I saw this big black slug on the ground. Looking closer I realised it was munching on a daisy flower, and had almost finished it. I'd never seen that before. After a bit more watching for SEOs and HHs, neither of which graced us with their magnificent presence, we went back to the car. I noticed that the Big Black Slug had moved a few inches, but was squidging at a barely perceptible speed away from the daisies.

Experiment: pick a daisy flower and place it in the path of a Big Black Slug.

Yes! He bumped into the daisy, stuck his face into it, and started munching happily again.

Perhaps they have poor eyesight. But he was now a Happy Big Black Slug and I shall never look at them with disgust again.

Unless I step on one.

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