Whilst the post-evening-milk wingpiglet-belly is always something to not allow to be pressed against anything too firmly in case it actuates the eject function it's especially important when he's having a slightly dodgy week as far as temperatures, random vomiting and sleep patterns go. He had a few squeaks in the evening yesterday, a bit of a wake-up at about one in the morning and an insurmountable wake-up at ten to four, which resulted in him being taken downstairs so that Nicky could get some sleep. Once he was happy I tried to catch a few extra minutes' sleep on the floor and got perhaps ten before waking up again to see him asleep just beside my head, shortly before I had to start getting ready. Apart from a fortuitous quick possibly heat-induced puke ten minutes after he got home from nursery (thus avoiding being barred for 48 hours again) he exhibited no sign of his night-time discomfort during the day, happily waking up and scampering around after his milks though allowing himself to be briefly posed in an approximation of the way he used to be draped prior to being put to bed.
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