jez' pics

By snappinjez

Self portrait, with Dougal.

Ok, so having gone on about my new camera yesterday, you may be wondering why I'm using my phone today...

Well our mad psychotic cat was draping himself across my lap this morning as I lay in bed, and eventually settled down legs stuck out in front.
Now there's something you need to know about Dougal, ever since he came home with us, he's never quite stopped demanding to be stroked while he eats, and has never quite stopped getting pretty violent about it if it doesn't happen, which is most of the time.

So as he was sleepily thrusting his paw out, I took it in hand (there's nothing I won't do for a good blip), the music of West Side Story going through my head; "...hold my hand and we're half way there, hold my hand and I'll take you there..." (with Dougal's extra line; ' my food bowl, where you can stroke and adore me...') (this last bit doesn't scan btw).

This amused me no end, ah simple pleasures. So I thought I'd share...

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