The Freedom To...


To think, a while ago
I'd more or less stopped writing
and now, all this stuff,
good or bad,
comes falling out of me
so easily that I keep thinking
it can't be any good.

To think, I hardly ever
took photographs. I took snaps.
I liked people in them. Wasn't one
for scenery. I'm still not
though I can appreciate
a flower, a creature, a view
much more than I used to.

To think, a little over a year ago
I'd never heard of blipfoto.
How I did discover it
is a tale that can't be told.
And some of the things
that have happened because of it
I'll also have to withhold.

Suffice to say: I'm not sorry
I signed up. I may ease off.
Miss days. Perhaps I'll post blips
where I don't use a poem
or find a song to link.
Perhaps I'll give myself more time.
To think.

The image is the bottom of page 365 of The Book of Judas by Brendan Kennelly and the line is from his poem There, If Anywhere

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