
By QuerkyPoo


It seems to me if one is to put up a picture of a Spurwing Plover, the spurs ought to be very evident and thats what I've tried to do with this targeted species today.

The spurs on htis bird I'm assuming are for attacking the enemy - and I've often seen them " dog-fighting " mid-air with the likes of Hawks and Magpies. They are great flyers and I'm sure if one was designing a fighting plane these days some study of this bird and the positioning of the guns ( spurs) would be beneficial. They are a rawkess bird and they fly at night squaking all over the place - hence my label the Urban Terrorists?

Many thanks everyone who commented on my 300th Blip- birthday yesterday. you're a very loyal lot and your encouragement is very much appreciated - Sorry -I wont have time to answer everyone.


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