Guinea Pig Zero

By gpzero

Ready To Pickle

Today I took very few pictures, but I did stay busy. The new cat in the window, cleaning himself after replacing yesterday's blip-kitty (who found a human to order about in only two days) lost the bid for today's presentation.

After a good long day of digging and stowing bulbs, attending a lecture on the labor movement, and a light Ethiopian meal, I did some late shopping for the sake of my present hobby: pickling! Tonight I filled five quart-sized jars: 2 of shallots, 1 of cremini mushrooms, and 2 of aloe vera (of all things). A squeezed wedge of lemon went into each this time alongside the other spices.

Another round of this, and I'll have to evict some recipe books to make room for more pickled food.

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