As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt


I am not a collector of things; i do not have shelves of knick knacks displayed for all to see, but I do have treasures. Almost every treasure can be traced to a time, place or person. Some were given as gifts, some are momentos of places I have been and some are passed on.

This duck came from a lake house in Northern Minnesota. It was there when by parents bought the place fully furnished and my mom kept it when they sold the place some years later. My mom was a keeper of things and over the past year, since she passed away, my dad has been sifting through and passing those things on to us kids or to friends.

I have no idea where he first came from, but he lives at my house now and when I happen across him, as I did today, it brings back days at the lake canoeing, fishing and just hanging out avoiding the giant mosquitoes.

I have other treasures to share, but that is for another day.

Happy Blipping.

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