
A day working at home catching up with a zillion emails and deleting most of them. Responding to enquiries, trying to explain the inexplicable. Trying to get TeX working again (I thought I had it a couple of weeks ago, dammit - back to the drawing board). Still coughing somewhat and I appear to have infected DH with the cold. Oh dear. Send for more Lemsips.

On my way back from the lunchtime errands I saw the family Swan back at last year's nest site; the missus seemed to be trying to tidy up the rubbish in the corner by the bridge. There only seem to be two cygnets left now out of the eight they started with. Of course as soon as I leaned over the railing with the camera the male saw me and approached in the hope that I might have bread, so I didn't manage to get a shot of the cygnets, or even a decent shot of himself. I liked the ripples in the water, though.

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