
By Purplefairy


Wednesday arrived bright and early...and after a wonderful cup of coffee i arrived in school ready for the day ahead.It's a bit crazy in school at the moment as the children are getting excited about the dance tonight and the summer fair on Friday.Lunchtime came and went and soon it was time for the last rehearsal for Thriller.It went well and before i could turn around i found myself in Mc Donalds in Mold with the three children i was taking to the show.
It was as we left in the pouring rain that i wondered what ever made me think that it was a good idea to give the children coke to drink.....followed by ice cream!!!!Sugar rush or what.
Anyway the hours wait till their performance was hell,but on stage they were fantastic.I was so pleased to drop them off home and finally get in at 8pm.
So now i'm sat typing this, looking at Bagpuss and thinking i wish i was a Cat!

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