Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Back to Black

I'm not paying reference to Wino Winehouse here. It's a bad day.

Firstly there was some concern yesterday about my picture of a flower. Come on I left the flies on it for fucks sake. Surely that retained the edge I seem to have portrayed myself as having? Here's something broken and moody then, to represent my personality / love life / finances (delete as applicable).

My little brother is having an operation on his back today which means he won't be able to play with his boy for nearly six months. It's quite a big thing and I reckon he is petrified. Tensions are understandably up throughout the family which means silly bickering with Mum because we're both worried as well. Like I said, a bad day.

Which means that there are no uncharacteristic flowers from me today. Instead I stuck (another) new plug in onto CS5 and made this shot of a broken gate look like it was taken just after photography was invented. It really is the best I could do under the circumstances (rushing about, not being arsed etc).

I've taken to sleeping an hour when I get home (like 5.30pm-6.30) and then not being able to sleep until gone midnight when I do go to sleep. The result is a tired and ratty me first thing, with the clouds easing around 5pm. Just in time for a sleep. Not sure how tonight will pan out as I may be in Sheffield visiting Paul. I'm definitely picking him up tomorrow (if they let him out) so it could be a couple of visits there. I don't mind Sheffield too much. I've never had any trouble there myself. Not like Nottingham. I was attacked in Nottingham by a gang of Asian lads who enquired as to 'what religion I took'. I told them athiest and one of them punched me. That's another story, but needless to say I had the last laugh.

Actually I didn't. I ran back to my car and hid on the back seat for an hour, petrified I was about to become a statistic on the 'racially motivated assualts' figures. Looking back they probably hit me because I had a shaved head and looked a bit 'BNP'. I'm not. I hate facists.

But probably not as much as my little brother.

Cheers by the way, yesterdays picture was the sixth consecutive one I've had in the spotlight. I remember a few months back being so excited when my first one hit the page. I really (really) hope that I can make it a full week today. Thanks for commenting and viewing and pushing it there, I do feel a sense of achievement even if it is just because I'm a commenting whore

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