Mr Grumps Life in Photos

By MrGrumps


If you're anything like me, there will be things in life that you keep putting off. Be it a particular boring task, one that requires the spending of money that you can afford but don't want to spend just yet, or something you don't reckon is that important right now... Usually the actual task isn't overly complex, but inevitably you keep putting it off; finding something else to do instead. Of course the task itself doesn't go away, it just sits there reminding you that it needs to be done. The worst part is that the longer you leave it, the worse it gets meaning that when you actually get around to doing the damned thing, it's probably far more effort than it would had been if you'd bothered to do it in the first place!

On top of that, when you *do* get around to doing the task, something comes long which stops you from doing it. That then means that, like taking a ticket at the post office, it's missed it's place and has to go to the back of the queue.

Or to put it another way...
I've finally decided that enough is enough and I really ought to cut the grass, but it keeps raining!

Note: I originally posted this in colour but the more I looked at it the more I thought it would look more interesting in black and white.

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