Yorkshire Life

By arroset

At last!

Have been entertaining a guest today on his way back to Devon. As he is a very keen gardener the obvious spot was Harlow Carr Gardens. We've looked at just about everything (seems like twice) and I have done my best at remembering (and recognising) various plants. Thankfully for me he was happily dragged to 'Bettys' for coffee, lunch and tea!

Seriously, we have had a good day. He was taking lots of shots of flowers and I actually managed to catch my first butterfly.

Thanks to Kath Gordon's info of a site I have been able to identify it - I think! I reckoned on a Meadow Brown, but then changed my mind and maybe it's a Ringlet. But looking again at Kath's Ringlet, maybe not. Certainly not as good a shot.

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