Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Sockeye for Dinner

I stopped at the Food Co-op after pickleball this morning with a very short shopping list -- so short I didn't even write it down. I bought two things not on the list; saag paneer, one of our favorite lunch specials, and Copper River sockeye salmon. The salmon was beautiful -- dark red flesh and bright silvery skin. I was kicking myself for not having photographed it before C cooked it for dinner.

The dinner was out of this world. The sugar peas were fresh and tender, and the fish tasted as if it had just been caught. We both thought the salmon was as good as any we'd ever had, and C cooked it to perfection. I gave her a gold star.

We had a little excitement while eating our lunch. Our neighbor across the street had an extended conversation with a couple of sheriffs and a police officer before being taken away in handcuffs. He'd been previously arrested for driving under the influence on Friday.

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