life is wonderful

By elize22

Lucky 13

I've never really believed that Friday the 13th was bad luck, and today certainly did not change my mind! Though today was one of my last days at school before heading back home, I spent most of my time off campus! :) Catherine had to pick up her Zipcar membership (Zipcar: an awesome company co-founded my a Wellesley alum! Woo!) in Boston, so I ventured into the city for the second day in a row. Definitely a new record for me! After having an adventure with Boston public transportation and successfully picking up a Zipcar membership car, we had a little time to spare so we looked around the Cambridgeside Galleria. I've never been there before and it's actually a really nice place!

Unfortunately, we couldn't stay for long because I had to get back to see two of my cousin's daughters in their acting debut of the King and I. My cousin's husband was also in the play as the King (you can see him in the picture above). It was kind of a long play, but it was super cute because the girls played two of the King's daughters and were really excited to be on stage.

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