Round, like a circle in a spiral Like a wheel
within a wheel.
Feast or famine.
No half measures in this game, are there?
It's either No choice or too many to choose from.
It's a panorama or a macro etc. etc.
Yesterday, we were off down the lake, plenty of shots, few mountable, today ... shopping and not a Blippable in sight.
Came home and, as the Gloaming started roaming, I started roaming around the patch geared for macro.
Ended up with absolutely no choice.
Have you ever noticed the pattern within a member of the compositae?
Some, (Liar, I mean all) I've noticed to date have had a tendency to be Fractaliferous(?) this Osteospermum however had wee, distinct, groups of five florets.
Addendum. Having studied the open ones around the Periphery, I begin to wonder if the fives aren't the unopened petals of the florets.
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