my corner of the world

By Vic

Watching over you!

Work today! Boo! But has actually been a good day. As a part time teacher in a challenging school (with a class with lots of 'characters' in), Mondays can be really tough. After a few emotional starts (from the kids, not me), they soon settled and worked really hard today. Must be the good weather having a positive effect.

Stopped off at Bridlington Priory whilst on my way from work to pick up my little boy (Jaden) from after school club. Took a few snaps then changed my job into 'Mummy' role and did the tea, piano practice, bath and bed routine. Time to breathe now and play on Blip, then marking and bed!

Becoming very addicted to Blip -some lovely people here. Thank you so much for all your lovely comments. Really glad my husband kept nagging me to join. I stopped the cry of, "I don't have time!!!!!" and gave it a go. Love it. Don't really have time but it's my marking and planning that is suffering for now.
Hope your Monday has been good.

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