Daunti's world

By daunti

Watch the Tram Car Please...

This photo was probably taken minutes after midnight which made it very late but very early in the wee hours of the next day. Way too lake for me and my husband after a very exhausting but fun filled awesome weekend spent at the Jersey shore in Wilwood, New Jersey. The tram car is a way of transportation on the boardwalk and Wildwood is the only place that has a tram car. Wildwood is noted for having one of the longest boardwalks, which is about five miles. Out of all my many years spent going to Wildwood my husband and I have never used the tram car. I always thought it was for lazy people or for old people who just couldn't handle the walk. We love to walk. Well now, we are one of those old people, and little did we know that in a few hours we were to have our very first ride on one. We were joking and watching life go by while having some ice cream, saying just how old we felt.

After a weekend of basketball, (which my husband coaches) was the reason we were at the Jersey shore we decide to walk the boardwalk Sunday evening for some dinner, shopping and seeing the sights. We had walked a few miles on the boardwalk and were heading home after having our ice cream and got an invitation to meet with some friends who were staying all the way in the direction we had just came from. We knew there was no way we could make that walk let along having to walk home later that evening. So this was the night we were to experience our very first tram car ride. I think I was just smiling the whole ride. People get so annoyed at the tram car because they are just walking on their merry way and are just not aware of it coming. I was amazed how many people actually almost walk into the thing. I have to admit I have been one of them, not really annoyed just clueless and unaware. The attendent is constantly pushing his button that says, "watch the tram car please", it the oldest wildwood joke around. I don't think at that time I wanted to be with anyone else anywhere else on anything else.

So let me end by saying what a awesome weekend we had alone and with friends. And riding the tram car with my husband home in the wee hours of the morning was just the coolest thing ever for us two old folks...

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