All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Daily bike ride

Poor Ethan. Hubbie received another accident report form when he went to pick him up from nursery today. Apparently he lost his balance and fell over, hitting and bruising his cheek on a chair.

Not a good day for him as he was really grumpy again this evening. He wanted outside. He didn't want outside. He wanted picked up. He didn't want picked up. Etc etc. In the end the only thing he DID want was to go out on his tricycle. He's obsessed with it and would happily be pushed along all day on it if he could get away with it!

Didn't eat much tea and has already been up crying only an hour after going to bed. He's coughing loads too. Hope he's not coming down with something, especially as we're away for a few days holiday soon.

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