tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Fair Tools

The first thing that caught my eye in Cardigan today was this tool set propped outside a junk shop (or perhaps a 'retro' shop would be a better term).

I'm blipping it as a counterpoint to guinea pig zero's Foul Tools blip yesterday.

In contrast to that sorry collection, these tools have been well-used and carefully maintained. They've been stored on two purpose-built boards with handles for ease of access, stout leather loops have been firmly fixed on and each tool's place has been designated by its painted silhouette. The tools themselves are not especially old or good quality but seem to have treated with respect.

I asked the shop owner about the tool boards but she said she said she knew nothing. She thought they might have come from a school (I imagined the old woodwork teacher, ?Mr Chips, fussily insisting that the pupils return every item to its proper loop at the end of the lesson, then remaining late at school, checking each one for maltreatment...)

She said that she was sorry to break up the set by selling the tools separately but that she was going to retain the boards as they had attracted a lot of attention already. She will use them to display more tools she has to sell - fair tools not foul to be sure.

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