We're gonna need a bigger server

What a stunning day! Had a long lie in til shortly after 11:30, the kids brought me the paper and breakfast in bed and I fell back as sleep waking for a late lunch. A lazy day in slippers watching time go by.

If only ...

No unfortunately it started in earnest in a frenzy of attempting to book tickets for several events for the Book festival which started to get Madame rather irritated. We managed to stretch our shot in the virtual queue for tickets to ten and a half hours, let's just say that demand was high, but incredibly Madame managed to get all the tickets she was looking for.

Otherwise it was a day of Dad le taxi, c'est sa vie, to and from parties twice, clothes washing, meal making, organising beach toys, and then a mad dash for some shopping before rushing back to pick up everyone for a bit of a tap dance performance by child #2. Imagine my surprise when as I drove up to dump shopping and collect family for said show, when I was told that the number one son had tried some karate style jump out the back door and had come off worse against a metal grill and was in the hospital. Erm, guys this wasn't the plan.

Apparently he was a bit of a trooper and despite enough blood to have it described by a young neighbour as a murder scene, he was seemingly heard to mutter some of his first words 'mere fleshwound', 'the show must go on' and 'what the blazes is skin glue'. While the nurse was tending to a rather nasty scar, the wee man was not for crying and within fifteen minutes was walking up the road waiting for me to pick them up.

So to the show, not a minute to lose.

Excellent stuff, in sweltering heat. Child 2 in her element, I know all parents say this, but she really is an excellent dancer. Very proud father.

Oh and then when we got home she crowned it all by tripping and hurting her hip.

So car cleaned this evening, well the interior, bags getting packed, crikey, it is looking like the plan is coming together.

Lovely day, but totally mental. And call the police it was a mighty


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