Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Summer Swan

Oh no I hear you say, not another bl**dy Swan Photo!!!

Today was our weddibg anniversary and in order to celebrate that and a glorious summer day, we headed for Glendalough, taking in lunch on the way and a bit of sightseeing too. Eventually git there at 4.15pm to find it still packed to the rafters with visitors. Walked up to the miner's village and spotted this swan along the way, taking his ease among the summer water weeds. All told I shot nearly 100 frames but no time to go through them all tonight so you get the swan shot.

Feet tired from the walking and skin tingling from the sunshine. A perfectly relaxed way to spend an anniversary. Don't be at all surprised if you see the flowers over the next day or two as I may be confined to the house. The boot lock on the car refuses to open so the car is going to have to go to the car hospital for attention. Next weekend we are due to travel to Belfast to see my grandson for the first time. With the spare wheel now firmly locked in the boot it's imperative that I gain access to it before such a long trip or the inevitable will surely happen.

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