It is a beautiful life-

By domo


Woke up
Let my dog out
Brushed my teeth
Made some tea
Sat down and read my book

Sat on facebook
Talked to Kate
Left for school

Sat on facebook
Sat through classes
Talked to Cymber
Came home


Deleted my facebook
Deleted my myspace
Decided that I needed to do more with my life
Took this shot

Posted this photo


There is too much that I need to do in my lifetime and already so little time to do it.

I don't want meaningless things in my life.
By deleting facebook and myspace I've destroyed my main way of communicating with my friends - but I also destroyed the most impersonal and empty way of interacting with them.



Today starts my 7 weeks of training for a 10k I am running with Kate and our friend Kara! I'm excited.

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