Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

the mini pinks

a rather marvellous morning, training Miss Pink to be a bargain hunter at a boden sample sale! She was an absolute star, and was very happy shopping with me and my friend Gill, and gave her opinions on each potential garment. She didn't miss out and bagged a pink cord dress, but she will have to wait until she's three to wear it! We had a "niknik" afterwards outside on the grass, which was lovely in the sunshine. And Miss Pink must have thought so as she kept saying "yummy niknik"!

A quick dash home and then time to pick Master Pink up from school for swimming lessons. and he did so well today, swimming with just floats or a woggle and no armbands. I'm so proud of him.

We had tea at the local supermarket afterwards, not very glamourous, and mine was rather pants, but the minis enjoyed it, and thought it was a huge treat (theirs was actually free so I only paid for mine).

So here is a quick phone snap of my two mini pinks being their cheeky, lovely selves.

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