The way I see it.

By christinePears


The 200th just crept up on me!! 200 days of non-stop blipping has taught me a lot - to look around me for all the many beautiful things, how to make a photographic record of all the happenings in my life, how to take time out relaxing by looking down the lens, and how to take a half decent blip! It's addictive. It's social. It's educational and it's a lot of fun.

I stopped on the way back from the Falls of Shin this afternoon (after returning my grandson to his Mum) at the beach in Brora and had a beautiful walk along the almost pink sand there (Sheila and Will look out for the beach from the train tomorrow as it goes along part of the beach! It was almost balmy warm although the sun was hardly out.

Thanks to everyone who takes the time to look at my blips and thanks for all your encouraging comments. Blip friends are great and tomorrow Shelwill and her husband Will are coming for a visit - maybe the first blipmeet in Caithness?!!

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