My first year

By IsobelDuggan

Biker Babe

Today mammy introduced you to her liking for leathers and petrol. You were sitting on Ailish's boyfriends bike. Think you were impressed.

Also got to see Aunty Ann's potbellied pigs and little kittens.

Daddy put your highchair together, were going to get a toy tomorrow for it that sticks to the tray. It adjusts to six different heights so you'll be able to look at the fish tank on your chair and see outside.

You went to sleep around eleven last night. Woke crying at six for a few minutes then went back to sleep and had a bottle at half nine. Did another hour nap.

It's half seven now and your asleep over an hour!!! Most strange, it'll be late to bed again me thinks. Think your trying to evade bath time.

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