Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

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Today's glorious weather and this photo reminded me of days gone by; when we look back we always tend to remember the good times over the bad. But some times the bad can also provide us with learning opportunities.

This railway line is disused now, apart from the odd coal wagon that goes to the coal mine further up the valley, but once before it linked the Neath valley with the Cynon and Merthyr valleys, before it was axed under the Beeching report. That line has been lost for forever now and we'll never get it back, not that there is even any clamour for it to come back, as everyone has got their own car and freedom these days. One wonders though whether things would have been different if those lines were still available today, would we have the traffic chaos that we do?

The other memory that comes back from this photo and it is more from my mother and father's time, is of the Sunday School trips from the valleys to Porthcawl or some other seaside town. These used to be special occasions where the whole community would gather together and the trains were completely full.

As my job is all about managing change I accept that change is inevitable, but I sometimes wonder whether all the progresses that we've made as a society, have really helped us and whether some of those values that we held have been lost forever. Or I am looking back through rose tinted glasses? Lol

Despite taking many photos today I didn't quite get the picture I wanted, but this one tells of stories of a bygone era, I hope you enjoy.

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