Wednesday Morning 3 A.M.

By meganmacdonald

Fractured from the fall

I spent most of this afternoon watching Scrubs and trying to teach myself how to play Fields of Gold on the piano. It's not actually that hard but I've never had a piano lesson in my life and I'm so slow with the bass clef so it'll take a while.

I went to see Ryan Adams in Glasgow tonight with sweet Rachel which was amazing. I think I may be ever so slightly in love with him. He has the most amazingly effortless voice... ahh Ryan. He played for much longer than he was meant to which, unfortunately, meant we a) had to leave early, and b) missed the last train home. While my father didn't seem to care all that much that we were stranded in Glasgow, Rachel's lovely pap drove to pick us up... we are such morons.

Today's song: 'Two' - Ryan Adams

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