Day 1 - Portsmouth to Caen

Up very early and over to the port for the (very) rough crossing to Caen. Admittedly the odd drink we may have had the night before may not have helped, but the "Normandie Express" being rocked from side to side was not exactly pleasant... Still, there in three hours, and we were soon driving to a site south of Caen where we found J's great Uncle, Ulick Jennings, in a Commonwealth war cemetery. Our first taste of D-day history, and we were both moved at the sight of both his and the many other graves there. We didn't know him, but it was nice to say hello...

Onwards west from there to Bayeux for a crepe (arf) lunch and a look at the tapestry (surprisingly impressive), then onwards west via a supermarche to our simple but cosy gite in the Manche region. Soon had a bottle of red open with some baguette and cheese to celebrate the start of out week.

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