Back in Time
It's harvest time at the moment, and the field of barley around our house is gone. This meant we could finally walk (jumping over piles of straw and with much scratching of legs on the stubble) over to the odd looking ivy-covered building which has featured in lots of my blips here. All my shots of that were rubbish (I'm going to blame the low sun, but really I just didn't have my mind on the job) so instead you have the lead character from Lavaur's medieval parade tonight. He was on very bouncy stilts and occasionally leapt high in the air for a showy-offy somersault. Obviously I didn't manage to get any photos of that. Anyway, he had a lot of fun scaring folk in the crowd.
Earlier, our garage man came out to have another go at fixing the dead van. He worked away in the blazing (mid 30s I suppose) heat refusing all offers of cool drinks, but sadly couldn't get it going. He feels we need a big vehicle to give it a decent tow-start. So again we get to put off the decision to scrap the van (with all the horrendous paperwork I'm sure that would involve) for another day.
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