Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Reflection on creativity

Two of us spent a couple of hours this morning finishing off stitching the buildings onto the Norwich Pride banner - the deadline for completion is Wednesday 29th before we take it on the Pride march in London on 2nd July. All that remains to do is for the 'mini-me' people to be attached, a carry bag to be made and for a practice run with the carrying poles to be done.

While we were stitching I got thinking about how rich my life is at the moment in terms of being surrounded by lovely, creative and talented people including singers, musicians, writers, film makers, trainers, visual artists, makers and of course photographers. This time last year although my home life was (and still is) loving and peaceful I felt like I was in a bit of a desert - chugging along but pretty much in isolation, full of fear and anxiety about the future.

The fear and anxiety is still there but it's not 'centre stage' like it was last year. There's more balance.

And walking home I spotted this bright, shiny wing mirror on a scooter. Just asking to be photographed.

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