
By ebonyskye

Beautiful bananas

Today I thought there would be no BLIP.

When I turned on my computer earlier in the day it refused to boot up.....but gave me a silly message.

It has never done anything like this before. I tried to make it work several times ...became frustrated and left a phone messgae for my stepson who works in IT.

He rang me back tonight and was able to solve the problem is 10 seconds.....I couldn't believe it.

Anyway, due to frustration, I hadn't taken a photo all day.

I felt like a banana and looked at my very small supply in the fruit bowl - I use to have lots....


A delight these days. They are like gold ...well almost ...so, so expensive due to the damage done to the crops in Queensland with the cyclone and floods earlier in the year.

I have decided they are the same price as an ice cream or chocolate bar so I buy them but only in small quantities.

I just love them .... one of these bananas in the photo no longer exists!!!!

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