
Kaz went off to Traralgon this morning with a bunch of things to do! The top of the list was tiling the laundry floor! I called her just before and she said she had two tiles left to do but wasn't sure how to cut them out for the doorway! She is on her way home now and I'm not sure if she was able to! Tomorrow our friend Dave is going with Kaz to do a heap of things and also our friends, Clare and Cindy are coming to help out! I am staying home to look after Spence once I get home from night shift and then I have to go back in the afternoon for another night shift!

Spence and I have had a good day. It was been lovely and sunny today for a change! I even had a t-shirt on (it's the middle of winter here!)! We have done two loads of washing, vacuumed the floor, made some chocolate brownies, made a bolognaise sauce for tea, played outside for a bit and visited Bev and Joe next door!

I went outside this morning with the camera and my 55-250mm lens to try and get some shots of some birds. The sun hadn't properly come up yet so most of them were too dark but this one turned out ok once I upped the fill light in Picasa!

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