must try harder

By halfcj

I buried him respectfully, honest!

SparkyMarkie was right! They came around in force today! Yesterday's blip was an honest enough account of my witnessing and sharing of the last moments of life for a not so common house fly that I had not actually seen often before. He was a big mother. It was why I noticed him in the first place.

Then today, this one landed on my computer screen.
"Seen my brother?"...he seemed to ask me. It was obviously his bigger brother! No, I didn't lazily decide to do 2 fly-blips in a row. This guy arrived on my screen and would not leave me alone.

If you recall, I do not have a macro lens, so you can see by first of all the detail in the head and then the softer focus of the body that this really was his bigger brother! This one was getting on for an inch in length. I tried to convince him that it was a case of mistaken identity and that I also have a brother who looks very much like me. Perhaps it was he who had vacuumed up his little brother?

He was having none of it and commenced his intimidation campaign determined to get the truth from me. He dive bombed me consistently when I was least expecting it. Buzzing in my ears and around my head. I flailed about trying to defend my personal space and sense of hygiene. He was too quick for me. It was almost as if he had eyes on the sides of his yeah...they do. Well you know what I mean. It's a metaphor. OK, and literal. It's a literal metaphor.....alright, I'm losing it now...and you. So back to the story...

Each time he buzzed past me I could hear him hissing through his teeth...if he had any...."barzzzzztard". That was it. I'd had enough. It was out with the Raid Fly Spray. I waited for him to settle. I could now hear him buzzing obscenities at me, but I couldn't see him. then he would stop and sit somewhere silent. He knew I was after him. He had taken cover. 5 minutes would go by and not a sound. I put the Raid down, sat at the computer and carried on working. Lots of pics to process and couldn't waste any more time.

Of course, he knew this, and the minute I sat down...there he was again, this time bouncing off my ear, ."barzzzzztard" again, only this time really loud. I can't tell you the disgust that shivered through my whole being as the thought of this pest, covered in god knows what, had just touched my flesh. (I would not too much later have a shower and thoroughly wash that area!). But it would turn out to be one of his final acts, for there he was, perched on the shelf within easy shooting distance. Up came the Raid...slowly...careful aim...and 'BAM!'. Well, more of a 'hiss' actually, but spot on target. Sent him flying backwards and immediately into a frenzied panic, his turn for legs flailing, wings flapping at double speed, but being on his back, just propelled him around and around in circles on his back, the buzzing resonating on the wooden shelf.

Back at work, the noise gradually lessened until eventually, silence once again adorned my office. He was gone. Passed. Now with his brother in Fly Heaven. Doubtless his brother will now be able to let him know that in fact, I had shared a moment with him...his dying moments and that I had actually shown him compassion.

But this one, no, he had to come after me and pick a fight! I tried to tell him, but he wouldn't listen. So let's hope he doesn't have any more brothers. This could become a sequel to Saving Private Ryan!

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