Vine to Vine

By 6ftmonkey

Stop Pre

Last day of our week long event - we all went down to Eugene to watch the USA National Track and Field Championships.
Bunch of us took a quick walk up to see Pre's Rock - the place where Steve Prefontaine died in a car accident. We had 2 Nike guys that have been there from the beginning telling stories. 1 of them was one of Pre's closest friends.
Its a tiny little rock wall - nothing special - just on side of a residential road outside of the downtown Eugene. Very unassuming - yet the foundation of inspiration to so many people you cant imagine. People journey here from all over the world to pay their respects - to a man who to this day - stills inspires them. Not just to run but to be a better person.
I have been there once before but it felt like it was my first time. Its a moving experience. You leave there thinking - what if? why not? when? now...

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