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By Sidhion

Back courtyard LeadUp day 4

Today started off with another nice quiet bible study time ( I must say that the book of proverbs is amazing) and went into a very challenging time of Bible teaching. Again summarized by my friend here. Today's first Seminar was extremely interesting and dealt with "Communicating the Bible" and I think I have learned quite a lot from this seminar.

The group time today dealt with Delegation and Evangelism and was quite challenging as I'm not very good at openly evangelizing or taking the initiative to delegate other people to do certain tasks.

The seminar on child protection was rather boring I must say although I recognize the importance of the topic I believe in many cases it is slightly overrated.

The activity today was a game of capture the flag set up in interesting terrain, which made it challenging but fun. For the sudden death part at the end I decided to take the route through the river, which resulted in extremely wet shoes and can probably only be explained with a certain level of insanity :P

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